July 17, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Since I post my blog on Thursdays, I'm going to do a little THROWBACK THURSDAY today and show you some of my (and my sisters') fashion choices through the years! Looking back on most of them I just have one question..."What was I thinking??!!"

This one goes way back...it's actually pre-Julie. You can see that from a young age we all loved our accessories. And our high waisted shorts with our shirts tucked in.
There's so much to say about this picture. My shirt buttoned up all the way to the top...Katie's Garfield shirt and jorts...Julie's head on the cowgirl costume...Good Times, Good Times.
I seriously can't believe that I wore this as a college student. These jeans are the definition of mom jeans. And the all white tennis shoes!! Oh my!

And then there was my overall stage. You can't tell in the picture, but that shirt was velvet. I think the white Keds really complete the look here.

And last, but not least, we have this jewel. That perm on my head and my shoulder pads are amazing. I'm loving Stacy's power suit, for a 15 year old. And Katie had on her lovely scrunchy, and her "I hate you" face!
It's pretty funny to look back at some of the outfits we used to wear. The crazy thing is, we thought we looked really good! It makes me wonder if 15 years from now we will be looking at our pictures from today and wondering again, "What was I thinking??!!" 

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