March 30, 2015


This past Friday I had the chance to go to a women's conference at Central Church. Jesse was off work that day, and I was so thankful that he agreed to keep all three kids so I would be able to attend. The topic was Refresh, and I had such a good time and learned a lot! I wanted to dress cute but be comfortable as well. I knew that I would be there all day long. Also, there was a break in the middle of the day so I knew I would be out shopping or something. I ended up wearing my skinny jeans, a tunic and my cowboy boots.

Top: Target, Jeans: Strawberry;
Boots: Target; Necklace: Premier
This ended up being the perfect outfit. I felt comfortable in it all day, and I got several compliments on my necklace! Best of all, I left the conference feeling refreshed in the Lord!


  1. Cute!! & you look skinny & golden! :)

  2. Thanks Jules! I've been working on both of those things!! :)
